Google took the world by storm, by offering over 5 GB, and still increasing at 0.000002 GB, for the Gmail service. It was an amazing push, giving the user a reason not to delete any email. Then followed Hotmail with the increase in capacity, yahoo providing unlimited space.
Initially Hotmail had come out with Email for corporates, but you had to transfer your domain to MelbourneIT. This was rather hopeless, because, you ended up paying more w.r.t renewal charges. Google apps came out with just changing the MX records, and this was brilliant.
Google Maps, Street View got developers working wonderful applications for the users, Bing followed without the street view.
Netscape came out with the tabbed browser, which I believe was around 1999, 5 years down the line, Netscape dead, Firefox born, with browser addons, made browsing amazingly simple, faster, and it was from Mozilla. Microsoft still with their open new window policy came a little too late with their tabbed browser. Now Google is out with their browser, its lightweight, loads quickly, has a list of recently opened websites as large icons on a newly opened tab. Unlike Firefox, each tab in Chrome is listed as a process, which enables the killing one of them if it hangs.
Then comes from Google, Chromium, an OS, adding value to cloud. Nexus One brought in with Android OS, snugged into the apple market in a years time.
Facebook currently is setting out with the a platform for Mobile devices, probably why Zuck, said, iPad is a computer.
Are there no more brilliant ideas, than doing better than the other with Internet Giants any more?