Excerpts of Wikipedia
Google+ (pronounced and sometimes written as Google Plus, sometimes abbreviated as G+) is a multilingual social networking and identity service[2][3] owned and operated by Google Inc. It was launched on June 28, 2011.[4] As of December 2012, it has a total of 500 million registered users of whom 235 million are active on a monthly basis[1]. Unlike other conventional social networks which are generally accessed through a single website, Google has described Google+ as a “social layer” consisting of not just a single site, but rather an overarching “layer” which covers many of its online properties.[5]
If you tell me that Wikipedia is incorrect info, I am pretty sure Google takes good care of the information written on Wikipedia and so does Wikipedia overlooking anything written on Google’s pages.
If there were to be an actual of 235 Million active users on G+ comparing it with some of the top G+ communities (which roughly member counts to 200K) there is something amiss. Google+ Discuss which is created to address issues of Google+ and Google+ communities has a member count of 25.8K. There has been never a common help ground for circles. Google+ Discuss address both circles and communities. So having a Google community with 25K (after the launch since two weeks) members is a guesstimate to what the active users might actually be on both Communities and Circles.
List of some of the top G+ communities with member count
Google + Discuss: 25801
Science on G+: 9947
Light Box: 6515
Star Wars: 20685
Ingress: 13279
Ubuntu: 13434
Android Design: 7484
Design for the Modern World: 8395
JavaScript: 10579
Google+ Developers: 3408
OMG! Ubuntu: 5327
Social Media Strategy: 2346
Philosophy of Mind: 1580
Cult of Mac: 3286
Resume & Interview Tips – Life at Google: 4928
Cloud Computing: 4543
Street Photographers: 5049
Gaming: 11028
Hot Women: 7892
Community Directory: 713
Albert Einstein: 4892
Hangouts on Air: 2947
Identity & Reputation in a Digital World: 532
Artwalk+ : 744
Circle Me up: 789
Sci-Fi: 3434
Nexus: 12744
Doctor Who: 5824
Earth: 8864
HDR PhtoGraphy: 20235
Atheism: 4197
Google+ Updates: 9404
Android: 29175
Landscape Photography: 20564
Science on Google+: 5859
Exploration: 11153
Photoshop and LIghtroom Users: 7766
Google TV: 3586
Night Photography: 11416
Tech, Security & Social Networks: 6476
Tech News: 6317
Advances in Medicine and Biology: 6164
Data Data Data: 4248